Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1301 Newport Avenue, Northampton, PA
Memory Eternal

It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Very Rev. Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha, pastor of Assumption of the Virgin Mary Parish, Northampton, PA

The Rite of Orthodox Christian Burial of a Priest was served on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Northampton, PA with His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel presiding. The internment followed at St. Andrew's Cemetery.

ALL MEMORIAL DONATIONS for Father Bazyl are requested in support of the Orphanages in Ukraine.  Donations will be collected by the parish and mailed to the consistory. 
O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who has trampled down death; You have overthrown the devil and have given Life to Your world: now give rest, Lord, to the soul of Your departed servant priest Bazyl, in a place of light, a place of refreshment and a place of repose, where there is no sickness, sighing nor sorrow. As You are a Good God, Who loves mankind, pardon every sin, which he has committed, whether by word or by deed or by thought, for there is no man who lives and has not sinned. You alone are sinless, Your Righteousness is Eternal and Your Word is Truth. For You are the Resurrection, the Life and the Repose of your newly presented servant priest Bazyl, Christ our God and we give glory, together with Your Father, Who is Eternal and Your All-Holy, Good and Life-Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen!